Architecture  Engineering  Environment

Overton-Brooks VAMC Parking Garage Design Project & Environmental Assessment, Shreveport, LA

Project Scope

ATEI is providing project management, environmental assessments, and civil design services for a garage addition at the Overton-Brooks VAMC. This project involves expanding an existing 2-story parking garage by providing an additional 284 parking spaces in a 4-story addition. Preliminary work includes topographic and utility surveys and a geotechnical investigation.

ATEI is currently conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) in parallel with the design effort. This EA evaluates the Proposed Action of VA to construct and operate a new parking garage and will explain two alternatives: (1) Preferred Action Alternative – the construction and operation of one four-story, parking garage addition south of the existing parking garage on the Shreveport VAMC campus and the (2) No Action Alternative – continue with current parking operations. The EA determines possible effects to aesthetics; air quality; cultural resources; geology and soils; hydrology and water quality; wildlife and habitat, including threatened and endangered species; noise; land use; floodplains, wetlands, and coastal zone management; socioeconomics; community services; solid and hazardous materials; transportation and parking; utilities; and environmental justice. Based on findings, the EA determines if a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is appropriate, or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required.

Project Owner: U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs

Project Relevance

  • Design Experience
  • Environmental Experience
  • Contract Administration Experience

ATI has been supporting federal, private sector and municipal clients for over 25 years.