Architecture  Engineering  Environment

On-Call Environmental Services – City of San Antonio (CoSA) Public Works, San Antonio, TX

Project Scope

Performed Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) throughout the City of San Antonio on various undeveloped properties and highway corridors. To date, a total of twelve (12) Phase I ESAs have been prepared following the needs and requirements listed in the City of San Antonio (CoSA) Phase I ESA Report Guidance Final (102822), dated October 2022, and select sections of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Practice E 1527-21 to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and/or Areas of Concern (AOC) in connection with each project site, corridor, and nearby sources. All projects were performed and completed within the proposed timelines and budgets. The Phase II ESA completed for CoSA Public Works include a 14.72-acre tract of vacant land located on the south side (District 3) of the City of San Antonio. The Phase I ESA identified three (3) AOCs, which included waste piles, a burn pit, and potential buried waste.

Additionally, historical City Directories identified possible historical property located on or adjacent to the site that once supported the use of possible petroleum hydrocarbons (a trucking company and other automotive services), which warranted the Phase II investigation. The Phase II ESA included collecting soil and groundwater samples from test pits, soil borings, and temporary groundwater monitoring wells. All soil and groundwater samples were analyzed for various petroleum hydrocarbons and regulated metals. The soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis were reported as being either below Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Tier 1 Residential totSoilComb protective concentration levels (PCLs) and/or below the analytical laboratory Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs). Based on soil and groundwater sample results, special handling practices for soil and groundwater were not required and any additional environmental investigation was not warranted. However, recommendations were made for municipal solid waste and construction wastes encountered at the Subject Property to be properly characterized and appropriately disposed of off-site.

Project Owner: CoSA Public Works

Project Relevance

  • Phase I ESAs
  • Phase II ESAs

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