Architecture  Engineering  Environment

Asbestos Survey – Brooks City Base, San Antonio, TX

Project Scope

Brooks City Development Authority commissioned Alpha Terra to complete an asbestos-containing materials survey in support of renovation of three facilities (Buildings 110, 125, 130) at Brooks City Base, San Antonio, TX. The purpose of the survey was to identify, to the extent feasible, regulated building materials, such as asbestos-containing materials, that may require abatement prior to renovation activities. The buildings surveyed and slated for renovation included structures constructed between 1959 and 1973 during the Brooks AFB era.

Alpha Terra collected building construction samples throughout the interiors of the three buildings. This sampling event included collecting a total of one-hundred fifteen (115) bulk material samples. All samples were analyzed for asbestos fibers and analytical results were utilized to determine the extent of asbestos-containing materials within each building. The surveys were performed in compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. The asbestos inspection, bulk sampling, and analytical procedures were performed in general accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) interpretations, National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH) protocols, guidelines of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), and in accordance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules (TAHPR).

All bulk samples were submitted to laboratories that are accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) to perform asbestos analysis. Alpha Terra was also tasked to complete Remediation Work Plans, provide project oversight for on-site asbestos remediation, document remediation activities, perform daily air monitoring, collect and analyze air samples, inspect work area containments, and perform final clearance visual inspections and air testing following remediation activities.

Project Owner:Brooks City Development Authority

Project Relevance

  • EPA & TCEQ Experience, et. al.
  • Environmental Compliance
  •  Data Gathering & Analysis
  • Project Planning & Management
  • Technical Specification & Drawings produced with Bluebeam Studio

ATI has been supporting federal, private sector and municipal clients for over 25 years.


My interest in the environment and sensor technology drove our initial environmental geophysics business start-up. Since then we have expanded to offer full engineering services.


I watched ATI grow up from the sidelines and was excited to expand the Environmental team to a full-service all hazards consultancy.

Betrece & Victoria

Our team bridges science and service by understanding the organizational challenges legacy agencies face and help them to interpret the changing regulatory landscape.