Architecture Engineering Environment
Asbestos & Lead Survey of The Public Theater of San Antonio (PTSA) – City of San Antonio (CoSA) Public Works, San Antonio, TX
Project Scope
Alpha Terra Engineering, Inc. (Alpha Terra) completed a Limited Asbestos and Lead-Containing Paint Survey on August 7, 2023, to identify and quantify asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and Lead Containing Paint (LCP) associated with the restoration by the removal of asbestos and lead-containing materials attached to the windows and exterior doors within The Public Theater of San Antonio (PTSA) theater lobby, lobby restrooms and theater auditorium (target areas) located in San Antonio, Texas.
The survey was conducted by a State of Texas licensed Asbestos Inspector and certified Lead Risk Assessor. Homogeneous areas of suspected ACM and painted surfaces that may be considered LCP were visually identified and documented in association with the exterior window and door units within the limited areas. Although reasonable effort was made to survey accessible suspect materials, additional suspect but unsampled materials could be located in voids or other concealed areas. Suspect ACM samples were collected in general accordance with the sampling protocols outlined in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation 40 CFR 763 and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Samples were delivered to a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited and Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) licensed laboratory for analysis. Select painted surfaces were tested non-destructively using an X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) instrument operated by a TDSHS-certified lead risk assessor. A total of twenty-nine (29) bulk samples were collected from five (5) homogeneous areas of suspect ACM from the PTSA. The LCP inspection included using a SciAps Model X-550 XRF (Serial No. 00722) X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) to analyze painted, stained, or varnished components of the theater lobby, lobby restrooms, and auditorium (interior and exterior). A total of one hundred and five (105) samples were collected as part of this survey. The completed report included tables and site diagrams of ACM and LCP locations, ACM estimated quantities, and recommendations for handling and/or remediation.
Project Owner: CoSA Public Works
Project Relevance
- Asbestos Survey
- Lead Survey